The CAPCHA Concept Note
Climate change is a global crisis with far-reaching implications for public health, and Africa stands out as a region particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of extreme weather events linked to climate variability. This heightened susceptibility is exacerbated by an already strained healthcare system and the absence of robust early warning systems, factors partly attributed to the region’s fragile socio-economic conditions. Despite being a region that is most susceptible to the health effects of climate change and variability, many African countries have failed to effectively adapt to climate change impacts due to lack of context-specific data to inform action. Advancing the climate and health agenda in Africa will, therefore, depend on how well the linkages between research, policy, and society are strengthened in addition to tackling existing inequalities in research. CAPCHA Concept Note
CAPCHA Activities
Best Consultative Platform on Climate & Health in Africa
An initiative of Africa Research and Impact Networks